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Sets for the wedding sand ceremony

Under the rays of the tropical sun, Hawaiian people spend a stunningly beautiful ritual, using the purest sand of the Pacific coast. Thanks to the volcanic activity in Hawaii there are beaches with sand of very different colors: yellow, red and even blue.

Now all the lovers have a unique opportunity to unite their destinies, not only through marriage registration, wedding ceremonies, but also with the help of the Sand Ceremony!

During the Sand Ceremony, the newlyweds fall asleep sand of two flowers in a beautiful vessel, which symbolizes the connection of two lives, two fates into one.

The sand ceremony is relevant not only at weddings, but also when it is necessary to emphasize the unity of the family or lovers: the offer of the hand and the heart, the wedding anniversary, the romantic date, the birth of the child, that is, in cases where two want to confirm their fidelity to each other.

In our country, a wedding ceremony, more often, takes place in the registry office, of course, there will be no extra rituals to hold. This: does not mean at all that the Sand Ceremony is not for you, this ritual can become a real decoration of a wedding banquet or an exit check-in.
It is necessary to warn the facilitator that he included the Sand Ceremony in his program, also prepare a table for holding in advance, it must be arranged in such an image that the event could be clearly seen by all the guests. During the Sacred Ceremony, the presenter pronounces a beautiful touching speech in which he talks about the essence of the tradition, about its symbolism and meaning. Everything happens under a pre-selected, touching melody, by the way, you can choose a melody that is significant for a newly-married couple, for example, an application was made for it or it is connected with another important moment for a couple, this will help create a very romantic atmosphere.

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