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Our studio offers decoration of weddings and celebrations with textiles, balloons, flowers and other decorative elements to your taste. Also, the service of sand decoration (wedding sand ceremony)

Это текст. Нажмите один раз и выберите «Редактировать текст» или просто дважды кликните, чтобы добавить свой текст и настроить шрифт.

We arrange events with balloons: latex, foil, luminous, radio-controlled, with helium and air, garlands of balloons.

Designing events with textiles

We decorate any event with textiles: tables, walls, chairs ....

A master class for children and adults in the drawing of sand is of great interest to children, and brings a sea of ​​vivid emotions to all participants!
Under the guidance of leading children and you have the opportunity to create a holiday card of your choice.


Art sandbox:

M. Nagibina Avenue, 17
SEC RIO 2nd floor
Daily 10:00 - 22:00
Tel .: +7 (908) 511-51-55

Contact Information
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